Un network di tour operator del turismo attivo propone un piano per la ripresa

They are reaching out to the Ministry, ENIT, and regional offices to draw attention to the active tourism sector, which is growing and, above all, able to meet the needs—physical distancing, health, outdoor activities—imposed by the coronavirus, which has wiped out bookings and revenues.

Below is the press release with the details of the proposal.

Proposals to Support Businesses in “Active and Sustainable Tourism” and Guidelines for Preventing and Containing the Spread of COVID-19


We are a group of Tour Operators operating in the “Active Tourism” sector (bike tourism, trekking, sailing). Like the rest of the tourism sector, we have been severely impacted by the COVID-19 crisis, which has wiped out our revenues and leaves us with no forecasts for the future. Currently, our group represents over forty Tour Operators in this sector, with a total turnover of around 50 million Euros, 68,000 customers annually, approximately 350,000 overnight stays each year, and more than 500 jobs. We have formed an informal network to rethink our future and how to restart together. The “active and sustainable tourism” sector, until last March, was experiencing significant growth—thanks also to its ability to destagionalize tourist flows (our “high seasons” are spring and autumn), thereby reducing human pressure on the territories.

“Active travel” always involves physical engagement, with users exploring the area through outdoor physical activity—sometimes sporty, sometimes more gentle. This contributes to improving their mental and physical health. These trips are organized with a focus on environmental respect, often with zero emissions; they give visibility to lesser-known Italy, including small villages and rural areas; they generate a widespread economy by supporting local producers and small accommodation structures; and they educate the public toward more sustainable mobility and tourism.

We believe that, for the reasons outlined above, the active and sustainable tourism sector is a strategic one that should be supported in light of the COVID-19 crisis, as well as the ongoing climate crisis affecting the planet. We need targeted measures to support operators (tour operators and guides) and promote an ecological transition where public health and the environment are prioritized.

  1. Proposals for Supporting Tourism Businesses (Tour Operators, Travel Agencies, Guides, etc.) in Active and Sustainable Tourism.

It is assumed that all businesses and entities in the tourism supply chain, including guides, will be included in the financial allocations, contributions, subsidies, moratoria, and financing available for the ongoing emergency. Some measures have already been presented by industry associations. Below are a series of requests for the active and sustainable tourism sector.

Tour Operators in Active and Sustainable Tourism request that the following be considered:

Requests in brief:

  1. Vacation vouchers prioritizing active and sustainable tourism
  2. Employment support measures
    2.1 Extension of solidarity contracts
    2.2 Social Safety Net and Ordinary Benefits for “Active” workers until March 2021, and “Post-COVID Reconstruction” Bonus
    2.3 Tax incentives for new hires
  3. Non-repayable grants:
    3.1 For safety and sanitization activities
    3.2 For tourism promotion, shows, and events
    3.3 For equipment and software to promote innovation and digitalization
  4. Suspension and elimination of fees, taxes, and duties; Restoration of the Guarantee Fund:
    4.1 Suspension of advertising tax (benefit duration: 1 year)
    4.2 Suspension of waste disposal tax
    4.3 Suspension of utility fees for electricity, water, and gas
    4.4 Economic support for rent payments for any category of property and suspension of rent for those operating in state-owned tourist structures
    4.5 Suspension of premiums/installments for mandatory insurance
    4.6 Restoration of the State Guarantee Fund for Tour Operators and Travel Agencies
  5. Training:
    5.1 Support for training in the active and sustainable tourism sector
    5.2 Streamlining procedures for accessing funds allocated for training

1. Vacation Vouchers Prioritizing Active and Sustainable Tourism:
Provide vacation vouchers that can be used with all professional operators in the sector (Tour Operators, travel agencies, and outdoor guides), prioritizing those involved in active and sustainable tourism due to the unique characteristics of this sector and the exploration of lesser-known rural Italy, national parks, and protected areas.

2. Employment Support Measures:
2.1 Extension of solidarity contracts for all active and sustainable tourism businesses
2.2 Social Safety Net and Ordinary Benefits for “Active” workers until March 2021, and a “Post-COVID Reconstruction” Bonus. Subject to agreements with unions and workers, we request the possibility of using workers on social safety nets for activities deemed urgent to restart the sector in the coming months, with the worker receiving a “Post-COVID Reconstruction” bonus as a tax credit or other methods as deemed appropriate by unions and legislators.
2.3 Tax breaks for new hires for 3 years.

3. Non-repayable Grants:
3.1 For creating safety protocols until the end of the emergency, on work sites, and for sanitization and security activities of tourism businesses;
3.2 For tourism promotion and participation in national and international shows and events for the next 2 years;
3.3 For purchasing IT equipment (software and hardware) to speed up the innovation process in the tourism sector, business digitalization, and smart working.

4. Suspension and Elimination of Fees, Taxes, and Duties; Restoration of the Guarantee Fund:
4.1 Suspension of advertising tax for the entire 2020 year;
4.2 Suspension of waste disposal tax for the entire 2020 year;
4.3 Suspension of utility fees for electricity, water, and gas for the entire 2020 year;
4.4 Economic support for rent payments for any category of property and suspension of rent for those operating in tourist structures owned by the state, regions, or connected entities, especially those managing refuges, hermitages, wayside inns, railway stations, reserves, and environmental education centers (benefit duration: 2 years).
4.5 Suspension of premiums/installments for mandatory insurance (Guarantee Fund and Civil Liability Insurance);
4.6 Restoration of the State Guarantee Fund for Tour Operators and Travel Agencies.

5. Training:
5.1 Support for training stable employees and collaborators of active and sustainable tourism businesses through the creation of a specific fund.
5.2 Streamlining procedures for accessing training funds to ensure immediate use of courses.

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